Serdi 2.0 ES valve seat and valve guide cutting machine

  • Description

  • usinage-plaquette-de-forme.svgMachining processForm tool
  • pilotage-manuel.svgOperatingManual
  • puissance.svgPower2.2 kW
  • technologie-de-centrage.svgCentering technologyDouble air cushion
  • capacite-de-siege.svgValve seat capacity28 to 120 mm / 1.1" to 4.72"
  • speed2.svgSpindle speed80 to 840 rpm

  • application-automobile.svgAutomotive
  • application-gros-vehicules.svgHeavy duty

Best budget machine designed on the working principle of the double air-float centering system, with a built-in motor spindle delivering powerful torque, a very high rigidity machining head and frame, being able to carry any conventional heads. 

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